wtorek, 3 grudnia 2013

Comparing external files in eclipse

I even cannot count situations when I needed to compare a eclipse workspace file with some other file on the filesystem. All the pain with copying it to some dummy project on workspace, sometimes more than one. Sometimes i went to WinMerge or similar tools. But there is a far better way - eclipse "compare with other resources" feature.
See this great post for details how to setup and use this feature.

czwartek, 14 listopada 2013

Partial mocking and spying with Spock

I think that everyone sooner or later gets to the point where the setup of the test class becomes ridicoulous comparing to the test methods. I recently had to update some GWT servlet class, which was missing JUnit tests. So I started with standard way of mocking out external dependencies, but it quickly came out that not that simple...

środa, 6 listopada 2013

Mocking and verifying collabolators in Spock and Mockito

Recently I started writing tests in Groovy for my apps. I found groovy a nice language for testing, thanks to its syntax. I also like the idea of BDD, and that's how I found Spock - a great BDD testing library.

poniedziałek, 28 października 2013

Installing Oracle XE 11g on 64bit windows

I recently needed to install Oracle XE on my 64 Windows 7. Unfortunatelly, it seems that Oracle does not provide a 64bit installer on Oracle XE. But there is a workaround for this issue.

czwartek, 10 października 2013

Handling soap fault in spring ws

Recently I was working on a integration with some other project. Our applications communicate with web services with WS-Security - each message is signed and encrypted. I was having some issues with proper handling of the soap fault in case of errors.

środa, 9 października 2013

Static code analysis with SonarQube

Writing quality software is not only about writing software that performs well and has no bugs. It's also about writing code that is easy to maintain, extend. Static code analysis help to identify potential problems with performance, behaviour and maintenance. Such analysis should be performed from early stages of project, so that developers can quickly find potential problems and fix them when the cost is low.

wtorek, 8 października 2013

Maintain DB state during integration tests, using Oracle

Integration testing is similar to Unit testing but it uses real components that interact with each other instead of mocks. This usually involves deploying whole solution and invoking remotely methods and comparing results with expected values.