wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2014

Using Spring to call jmx bean on JBoss7 / EAP 6

Recently I had to create a sample project showing how to call a JMX Bean exposed by one application by other one. It seems so easy... as usual. But with new JBoss 7 / EAP6 and their new remoting-jmx protocol I struggled a bit. So here how it should look like

środa, 16 kwietnia 2014

Filtering java sources with maven to use with Gin

From time to time I get a need to use maven filtering capabilities to change properties depending on the maven build profile. It's nice thing I must admit. Recently, I also needed to do filtering on java source code (in Gin module to bind different constant to be injected to my GWT view), and it seems that standard filtering is not capable of doing it. So here is what I did...

czwartek, 10 kwietnia 2014

Updating xml file in war/ear

Recently I needed to update some xml files inside war and ear archives. They were xml descriptors, so I did it with Groovy because of its great xml support.

czwartek, 20 lutego 2014

Spring batch in memory and OutOfMemoryError

Some time ago I started to use Spring batch for various processing of data. While it was ok for simple usage, when I pushed large file for processing into my system it died with OutOfMemoryError.
So I took the heap dump, analyzed it, and saw some Spring Batch classes that were taking huge amount of my heap.

wtorek, 3 grudnia 2013

Comparing external files in eclipse

I even cannot count situations when I needed to compare a eclipse workspace file with some other file on the filesystem. All the pain with copying it to some dummy project on workspace, sometimes more than one. Sometimes i went to WinMerge or similar tools. But there is a far better way - eclipse "compare with other resources" feature.
See this great post for details how to setup and use this feature.

czwartek, 14 listopada 2013

Partial mocking and spying with Spock

I think that everyone sooner or later gets to the point where the setup of the test class becomes ridicoulous comparing to the test methods. I recently had to update some GWT servlet class, which was missing JUnit tests. So I started with standard way of mocking out external dependencies, but it quickly came out that not that simple...

środa, 6 listopada 2013

Mocking and verifying collabolators in Spock and Mockito

Recently I started writing tests in Groovy for my apps. I found groovy a nice language for testing, thanks to its syntax. I also like the idea of BDD, and that's how I found Spock - a great BDD testing library.